A screening of Vidhu Vinod Chopra's Shikara was recently held in Mumbai. The movie stars Aadil Khan and Sadia in the lead and has been receiving a lot of appreciation ever since the trailer of the movie was released. The audience that was present at the screening didn't just like the movie but gave it a standing ovation to Vidhu Vinod Chopra after the movie ended.
Some time back, the makers had organized special previews of the movie for Kashmiri Pandits in Mumbai where people from Pune and Mumbai showed up and also in Delhi where people from Kashmir were also present.
Vidhu Vinod Chopra's Shikara is very close to his heart and roots. Straight from the pages of history, Shikara brings the untold story of Kashmiri Pandits from the mass exodus of 1990 to the mainstream audience.
Already being praised for its storyline, every asset that has been released by the makers is making waves all across. Feeling at home with the subject, Vidhu Vinod Chopra made sure he interacted in Kashmiri while shooting 'Shikara' in Kashmir.
The film is inspired by Vidhu Vinod Chopra's own life and is a tribute by the director to his mother.'Shikara' brings back the untold story of Kashmiri pandits from the valley of 1990 and has 40,000 real migrants of Jagti and other camps who actually shot for the film. The movie also has actual footage from the exodus included which brings it even closer to reality.
The film also has real Kashmiri Pandits in it who shot with the director for the film. Definitely, the experience of the entire shoot became even more real where the crew and the director connected over the Kashmiri language. 30 years later, more than 4,000 real Kashmiri Pandit refugees recreated 19th January 1990 for the film.
Shikara is all set to release on 7th February 2020. Presented by Fox Star Studios. Produced by Vinod Chopra Productions and co-produced by Fox star studios.
Wednesday, February 05, 2020 14:42 IST